Dette fotoalbumet er ment å gi et overblikk over klubben og klubbens historie. Nyere bilder kan finnes ved å følge denne linken
Vassfjellet / APRS-node
Oppsett av LD7TV, november 2009
Miscellanous pictures of antennas and radios
Pictures from the NRRL national Field-Day Contest, 2008
Pictures from the NRRL national Field-Day Contest, 2007
Pictures from the NRRL national Field-Day Contest, 2006
IARU HF World Chapionship 2005
Pictures from IARU HF World Championship 2005
IOTA Contest 2005
Pictures from IOTA Contest 2005 at Hitra (EU-036)
Pictures from the NRRL national Field-Day Contest, 2005
Pictures from the NRRL national Field-Day Contest, 2003
Pictures from the NRRL national Field-Day Contest, 2002
The 1990s
A view of what Akademisk Radioklubb looked like a long time ago.
CQWW2004 (SSB)
Pictures from the CQ World-Wide DX Contest (SSB), 2004
Often members of the past generation visit the club and talk of the days when ARK was a pioneer in VHF activity and sattellite traffic on the first birds. Here are some glimpses of the 60's and 70's of LA1K.
The Old Days
Akademisk Radioklubb was formed in 1923, when radio was brand new in Norway. Here are some memories of the days when everything had to be built from scratch and the equipment glowed in the dark.